《安全對話》是一份同行評議的學術期刊,發表學術論文,將當代理論分析與公共政策面臨的挑戰結合起來,涵蓋廣泛的安全研究領域。該雜志為奧斯陸和平研究所所有,該研究所也設有編輯部。截至2015年10月1日,Mark B. Salter(渥太華大學)為主編。Marit Moe-Pryce自2004年以來一直擔任該雜志的執行主編。目前的副編輯有:Marieke de Goede(阿姆斯特丹大學)、Emily Gilbert(多倫多大學)、Jairus V. Grove(夏威夷大學Manoa分校)、Jana Honke(格羅寧根大學)、Doerthe Rosenow(牛津布魯克斯大學)、Anna Stavrianakis(蘇塞克斯大學)和Maria Stern(哥德堡大學)在j·彼得·伯吉斯(J. Peter Burgess)的主編下,《安全對話》的編輯范圍發生了重大變化,這使得該期刊在國際排名上不斷攀升,成為重要安全研究領域的領先期刊之一。除了重要安全研究的旗艦期刊,安全對話還運行一個博客[2]和播客系列。
Security Dialogue is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes scholarly articles which combine contemporary theoretical analysis with challenges to public policy across a wide-ranging field of security studies. The journal is owned by the Peace Research Institute Oslo which also hosts the editorial office. As of 1 October 2015 Mark B. Salter (University of Ottawa) is the editor-in-chief. Marit Moe-Pryce has been the Managing Editor of the journal since 2004. Current Associate Editors are Marieke de Goede (University of Amsterdam), Emily Gilbert (University of Toronto), Jairus V. Grove (University of Hawaii at Manoa), Jana H?nke (University of Groningen), Doerthe Rosenow (Oxford Brookes) Anna Stavrianakis (University of Sussex), and Maria Stern (University of Gothenburg).[1]Security Dialogue went through a significant change in scope under the editorship of J. Peter Burgess, and this has seen the journal climbing on international rankings to become one of the leading journals in Critical Security Studies. In addition to the flagship journal of Critical security studies, Security Dialogue also runs a blog[2] and podcast series.
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