《社會力量》(前身為《社會力量雜志》)是由牛津大學出版社為北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校社會學系出版的經同行評審的社會科學季刊。它專注于社會學,但也有一個多學科的方法,出版作品從社會心理學,人類學,政治學,歷史和經濟學領域。每期包括20至25篇文章。此外,該雜志還出版書評?!渡鐣α俊酚苫羧A德·w·奧德姆于1922年創辦,是一本關于社會力量的雜志。更名相對較快;自1925年(第四卷)以來,一直作為社會力量出版。本雜志由Arne L. Kalleberg(北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校)編輯。
Social Forces (formerly Journal of Social Forces) is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal of social science published by Oxford University Press for the Department of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It concentrates on sociology but also has a multidisciplinary approach, publishing works from the fields of social psychology, anthropology, political science, history, and economics. Each issue includes between 20 and 25 articles. In addition, the journal also publishes book reviews.Social Forces was established by Howard W. Odum in 1922 as Journal of Social Forces. The name was changed relatively quickly; since 1925 (volume 4), it has been published as Social Forces.This journal is edited by Arne L. Kalleberg (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).
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