《城市事務評論》是一份同行評議的學術期刊,涵蓋城市研究領域,包括城市政策、城市經濟發展、住宅和社區發展。該雜志的主編包括彼得·伯恩斯(新奧爾良洛約拉大學)、杰德·卡爾(芝加哥伊利諾斯大學)、安妮特·斯坦納克(芝加哥洛約拉大學)和安東尼奧·費爾南多·塔瓦雷斯(米尼奧大學)。Jered B. Carr(伊利諾斯大學芝加哥分校)擔任執行編輯。《城市事務季刊》創刊于1965年,1996年更名為《城市事務季刊》。它目前由SAGE出版物與美國政治科學協會城市政治科聯合出版。
Urban Affairs Review is a peer-reviewed academic journal that covers the field of urban studies, including urban policy, urban economic development and residential and community development. The journal's editors-in-chief are Peter Burns (Loyola University New Orleans), Jered Carr (University of Illinois at Chicago), Annette Steinacker (Loyola University Chicago), and Antonio Fernando Tavares (University of the Minho). Jered B. Carr (University of Illinois at Chicago) serves as Managing Editor. It was established in 1965 as Urban Affairs Quarterly and obtained its current title in 1996. It is currently published by SAGE Publications in association with the Urban Politics Section of the American Political Science Association.
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