環境價值觀始于與生態經濟學運動密切相關的季度同行評審學術期刊,但也堅定地以應用倫理學為基礎。涵蓋的主題是哲學,經濟學,政治學,社會學,地理學,人類學,生態學和其他學科,它們涉及人類和其他物種的現在和未來環境。該雜志成立于1992年,由Alan Holland編輯,直到2007年Clive L. Spash成為主編。2013年,該期刊每年擴大到六期。這是由于日益受歡迎和在該領域的地位。根據期刊引用報告,該期刊的2015年影響因子為1.311,在“道德”類別的51種期刊中排名第14。涵蓋的主題包括美學,生物多樣性喪失和管理,合成生物學,增長,動物的道德治療,后代,人類引起的氣候變化,地球工程,經濟評估,市場經濟,偏好,權利,責任,風險和不確定性。
Environmental Values started as a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal closely associated with the ecological economics movement, but also firmly based in applied ethics. Subjects covered are philosophy, economics, politics, sociology, geography, anthropology, ecology, and other disciplines, which relate to the present and future environment of human beings and other species. The journal was established in 1992 and edited by Alan Holland until 2007 when Clive L. Spash became editor-in-chief.In 2013 the journal expanded to six issues a year. This was a result of increasing popularity and standing in the field.According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2015 impact factor of 1.311, ranking it 14th out of 51 journals in the category "Ethics".Topics covered include aesthetics, biodiversity loss and management, synthetic biology, degrowth, ethical treatment of animals, future generations, human induced climate change, geoengineering, economic valuation, market economics, preferences, rights, responsibilities, risk and uncertainty.
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