《康奈爾法律評論》是康奈爾法學院的旗艦法律期刊。《康奈爾法律季刊》創刊于1915年,以所有法律領域的學術為特色。值得注意的是,《康奈爾法律評論》過去的幾期包括最高法院大法官羅伯特·h·杰克遜(Robert H. Jackson)、約翰·馬歇爾·哈蘭二世(John Marshall Harlan II)、威廉·o·道格拉斯(William O. Douglas)、菲利克斯·法蘭克福(Felix Frankfurter)和露絲·巴德·金斯伯格(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)的文章。根據谷歌學者指標,《康奈爾法律評論》在影響和影響力方面在法律期刊中排名第七。
The Cornell Law Review is the flagship legal journal of Cornell Law School. Originally published in 1915 as the Cornell Law Quarterly, the journal features scholarship in all fields of law. Notably, past issues of the Cornell Law Review have included articles by Supreme Court justices Robert H. Jackson, John Marshall Harlan II, William O. Douglas, Felix Frankfurter, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The Cornell Law Review ranks 7th among law journals in impact and influence according to Google Scholar Metrics.
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