《政治研究季刊》是一份經過同行評審的學術季刊,涵蓋政治學領域。主編兼美國政治現場編輯是賽斯·c·麥基(得克薩斯理工大學)。現場編輯:Toby J. Rider(德克薩斯理工大學),國際關系;《比較政治學與性別政治學》;索菲亞·喬丹·華萊士(華盛頓大學),種族、族裔和移民;大衛·雷·威廉姆斯(德保羅大學),政治理論與哲學。該雜志成立于1948年,由Sage出版社代表猶他大學出版。它是西方政治科學協會的官方期刊。
Political Research Quarterly is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal that covers the field of political science. The editor-in-chief and American politics field editor is Seth C. McKee (Texas Tech University). Field editors: Toby J. Rider (Texas Tech University), international relations; Frank C. Thames (Texas Tech University), comparative politics and gender politics; Sophia Jordan Wallace (University of Washington), race, ethnicity and immigration; David Lay Williams (DePaul University), political theory and philosophy.The journal was established in 1948 and is published by Sage Publications on behalf of the University of Utah. It is the official journal of the Western Political Science Association.
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