這是一本多學科期刊,旨在擴大對促進或阻礙人類發展的過程的理解。本文從政治、經濟、社會學、人類學等多個角度展開論述。該雜志有利于學術界和從業人員的國際讀者,也是歐洲發展研究與培訓協會(EADI)的官方雜志。《歐洲發展研究雜志》每年出版五次,包括定期和特別主題期刊的同行評審。最近流行的文章包括:價值鏈升級和將小農納入市場;詳細闡述了包容性發展理論;以及中國在非洲的私營企業和對非洲發展的影響。《華爾街日報》的編輯們認為,發展是一個持續的過程,會影響到所有社區、社會、州和地區。這本雜志沒有地域偏見。本文所發表的研究是根據研究人員和實踐者在不同環境下研究人類發展的相關性而選擇的。盡管大多數論文都探討了發展中國家面臨的挑戰,但也有一些論文強調了從發達國家各地區的經驗中汲取的重要經驗教訓。《歐洲發展研究雜志》(European Journal of Development Research)通過分析實證證據(無論是定性、定量還是軼事)提出政策和發展工具。
This is a multi-disciplinary journal that seeks to broaden understanding of the processes that advance or impede human development. Articles published here take a variety of viewpoints including political, economic, sociological and anthropological perspectives. The journal benefits an international readership of academics and practitioners and it is the official journal of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI).Published five times per year, The European Journal of Development Research includes a peer-reviewed mixture of regular and special-themed issues. Popular recent articles include: Value Chain Upgrading and the Inclusion of Smallholders in Markets; Elaborated Theory of Inclusive Development; and China's Private Enterprises in Africa and the Implications for African Development.The editors of the journal understand development to be an ongoing process that affects all communities, societies, states and regions. The journal does not have a geographical bias. Studies published here are chosen for their relevance to researchers and practitioners studying human development in different environments. Although most papers examine the challenges that face developing countries, others stress the important lessons to be derived from the experiences of regions in the developed world.The European Journal of Development Research presents articles that propose policy and developmental tools by analyzing empirical evidence, whether qualitative, quantitative or anecdotal.
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