《原子科學家公報》是一個關注科學和全球安全問題的非營利性組織,這些問題的起因是加速對人類產生負面影響的技術進步。該公告同時在免費網站和非技術學術期刊上發布內容。該組織自1945年以來一直在出版《芝加哥原子科學家公報》(Bulletin of The Atomic scientists of Chicago)。1945年,廣島和長崎發生原子彈爆炸后,前曼哈頓計劃(Manhattan Project scientists)的科學家們立即創辦了《芝加哥原子科學家公報》(Bulletin of The Atomic scientists of Chicago)。該組織也是國際公認的世界末日時鐘的持有者,世界末日時鐘的時間是每年一月宣布的。
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is a nonprofit organization concerning science and global security issues resulting from accelerating technological advances that have negative consequences for humanity. The Bulletin publishes content at both a free-access website and a bi-monthly, nontechnical academic journal. The organization has been publishing continuously since 1945, when it was founded by former Manhattan Project scientists as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of Chicago immediately following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The organization is also the keeper of the internationally recognized Doomsday Clock, the time of which is announced each January.
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