《種族和種族研究》的目標是成為分析種族、種族主義、族裔、移徙和種族-民族主義形式的作用的主要期刊。這些社會現象是現代世界許多重大社會和政治問題的核心。作為這些領域的領先期刊,我們力求提供跨學科的學術論壇,以展示研究和理論分析,特別是借鑒社會學、社會政策、人類學、政治學、國際關系、地理學、歷史學、社會心理學和文化研究。我們歡迎來自世界各地在我們感興趣的主要領域從事前沿實證和理論工作的知名學者和早期職業研究人員的貢獻。我們的全球定位體現在我們出版的來自世界各地學者的廣泛文章中,也體現在我們出版的各種特刊中。雜志上的文章通常在5000到8000字之間。所有這些都是同行評審的高標準,包括嚴格的批評。每個卷由15個問題組成,通常由8個常規問題、4個特別問題和3個審查問題組成。特刊的建議由編輯定期審議,我們與客座編輯合作,以最高標準制作這些建議。ERS Review issues通過出版書評、關于當前爭論問題的專題討論會、討論文章和長達12000字的長文,為最新的研究提供專家指導,為特定的研究和分析領域提供概述。
Ethnic and Racial Studies aims to be the leading journal for the analysis of the role of race, racism, ethnicity, migration and forms of ethno-nationalism. These social phenomena are at the heart of many of the major social and political issues in the modern world. As the leading journal in these areas we seek to provide an interdisciplinary academic forum for the presentation of research and theoretical analysis, drawing particularly on sociology, social policy, anthropology, political science, international relations, geography, history, social psychology and cultural studies.We welcome contributions from leading and established scholars and early careers researchers who are producing cutting edge empirical and theoretical work in our main areas of interest in all areas of the world. Our global orientation is evidenced in the wide range of articles we publish by scholars from all over the world as well as in the variety of special issues we produce.Articles in the journal are normally between 5000 and 8000 words. All are peer reviewed to a high standard involving rigorous criticism. Each volume is composed of fifteen issues, and is typically made up of eight regular issues, four special issues and three Review issues. Proposals for special issues are considered by the editors on a regular basis and we work with the guest editors to produce them to the highest standard. The ERS Review issues offer expert guidance to the latest research through the publication of book reviews, symposia on issues of current contention, discussion pieces and longer articles of up to 12000 words that provide an overview of particular fields of research and analysis.
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