影響因素?2017 Clarivate Analytics,2017年發布的Journal Citation Reports?將《企業對企業營銷雜志》的影響因素排名為1.312。商業排名87/121?!镀髽I對企業營銷雜志》(Journal of Business to Business Marketing)鼓勵企業營銷理論開發、研究方法和管理問題解決方法的多樣性。一個由國際公認的杰出學者和實踐者組成的編委會確保該期刊保持著無可挑剔的相關性標準和嚴謹的學術水平。《企業對企業營銷雜志》(Journal of Business to Business Marketing)的特色:反映當前商業營銷理論、方法和實踐的基礎和應用研究來自主要研究者的文章,涉及商業界和學術界共同關心的話題業務營銷從業者的摘要和每篇文章附帶的結構化摘要主要商業思想家提供的商業世界評論一個書評部,它對企業對企業營銷領域的學者和專業人士的相關和直接興趣的書進行評論。
Impact Factor ?2017 Clarivate Analytics, 2017 release of the Journal Citation Reports? ranks the Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing with an Impact Factor of 1.312. Ranked 87/121 in Business. The Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing? encourages diversity in approaches to business marketing theory development, research methods, and managerial problem solving. An editorial board comprised of outstanding, internationally recognized scholars and practitioners ensures that the journal maintains impeccable standards of relevance and rigorous scholarship.The Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing? features: basic and applied research that reflects current business marketing theory, methodology, and practice articles from leading researchers covering topics of mutual interest for the business and academic communities a summary for business marketing practitioners and a structured abstract accompanying each article commentaries from the business world provided by leading business thinkers a book review section which reviews books of pertinent and direct interest to academics and professionals in business-to-business marketing
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