《演講季刊》(QJS)是美國國家傳播協會(National Communication Association)的同行評審出版物。QJS出版原始學術和書評,對不同的文本、話語和文化實踐采取修辭方式,通過這些方式,公共信仰、規(guī)范、身份、機構、影響和行動得以建立、授權、頒布和傳播。修辭學貫穿并調動了許多不同的知識、檔案、學科和政治載體、傳統(tǒng)和方法,而QJ則致力于尊重和利用這些差異。因此,QJS歡迎在修辭學的廣泛范圍內產生的各種各樣的學術成果,包括促進和豐富修辭學理論和批評的長期傳統(tǒng)的工作,以及繪制新邊界的研究和寫作。有關如何將您的研究提交給QJS的更多詳細信息,請查看我們的作者說明。除非另有特別說明,本雜志的文章都經過了嚴格的同行評審,包括編輯的篩選和至少兩名匿名評審。
The Quarterly Journal of Speech (QJS) is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association. QJS publishes original scholarship and book reviews that take a rhetorical approach to diverse texts, discourses, and cultural practices through which public beliefs, norms, identities, institutions, affects, and actions are constituted, empowered, enacted, and circulated. Rhetorical scholarship traverses and mobilizes many different intellectual, archival, disciplinary, and political vectors, traditions, and methods, and QJS seeks to honor and engage such differences. Accordingly, QJS welcomes the full array of scholarship produced under rhetoric’s broad purview, including work that advances and enriches longstanding traditions in rhetorical theory and criticism, as well as research and writing that maps new frontiers.For more details about how to submit your research to QJS , please review our Instructions for Authors.Unless specifically indicated otherwise, articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, including screening by the editor and review by at least two anonymous referees.
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