The Journal of Language, Identity, and Education is an international forum for original research on the intersections of language, identity, and education in global and local contexts. We are interested in interdisciplinary studies that examine how issues of language impact individual and community identities and intersect with educational practices and policies.In order to publish in JLIE, a study must have a central focus on second, foreign, minority, heritage, or indigenous languages (or non-standard dialects) and their intersection with either identity and/or education. We welcome a variety of topics, theoretical orientations, and methodological approaches (both qualitative and quantitative). We are particularly interested in: Studies that make tangible differences in the lives of language learners, teachers, and language minority communities broadly construed, as opposed to theoretical papers for the sake of arguing theory; Studies that address questions of how monolinguistic and monoculturalist approaches to education reproduce existing power relations in society and narrow the range of identities that individual language learners and teachers can claim for themselves; Studies that highlight the potential of multilingual and multicultural approaches to counteract and challenge existing societal forces; Studies on language and educational policies and approaches that explicitly address various dimensions of diversity and linguistic rights in educational contexts; Critical studies of literacy policies, biliteracy development, policies and practices impacting linguistically minority students or other second language learners; Research on innovations or on the effectiveness of various language education program models (e.g. English as a second language (ESL), bilingual education, dual language education, indigenous language education, heritage language education, foreign/world language education, content and language integrated learning (CLIL), sheltered content-area instruction, etc. Research on the relationship between home/local linguistic and cultural socialization and schooling; Critical studies about linguistic bias in schooling practices; Research on educational practices that promote educational equity for linguistically diverse student populations; Linguistic minority group-specific studies on special needs/issues and on effective educational policies and practices.JLIE is an international journal and therefore a study that is situated in a particular country should include enough background information for an international audience to be able to make sense of the local context.
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