精神分析對話建立于1991年,其前提是在多元化的精神分析世界中,已經形成了一系列重疊的視角,將自我和他人的關系結構,真實的和幻想的,作為人類動機和心理動力學解釋的主要單位。 這些觀點出現在人際精神分析中; 英國對象關系理論; 自我心理學; 嬰兒期研究和兒童發展的經驗傳統; 當代弗洛伊德思想的某些潮流。 這種共同的關系模型已經提供了一個激活的框架,在其中可以定位和開發臨床貢獻。
Launched in 1991, Psychoanalytic Dialogues was founded on the premise that within the diverse world of psychoanalysis there had developed a set of overlapping perspectives that regarded relational configurations of self and others, real and fantasied, as the primary units of human motivation and psychodynamic explanation. These perspectives emerged within interpersonal psychoanalysis; British objct relations theories; self psychology; the empirical traditions of infancy research and child development; and certain currents of contemporary Freudian thought. This common relational model has come to provide a vitalizing framework within which clinical contributions can be situated and developed.
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