亞洲視角:《亞洲及太平洋考古學期刊》是一本涵蓋亞洲及太平洋地區歷史和史前的學術期刊。除了考古學,它的特色文章和書評的民族考古學,古人類學,體質人類學,和民族志。該雜志成立于1957年,是遠東史前協會(美國分會)的公報,由威廉·g·索爾海姆二世擔任編輯,隨后跟隨其編輯前往其他機構。第二卷(1958年)至第八卷(1964年)由香港大學出版社出版;第九卷(1966年)至習卷(1968年)由夏威夷大學社會科學研究所出版。夏威夷大學出版社從第12卷(1969)開始出版,副標題為《亞洲及太平洋考古學和史前》。[1]于1992年由邁克爾w格雷夫斯擔任編輯,副標題改為《亞洲及太平洋考古學雜志》。米里亞姆斯塔克大學的夏威夷?我擔任編輯從2000年到2006年,然后傳遞給三人的編輯團隊:黛博拉Bekken(博物館),勞拉·李破車(芝加哥伊利諾伊大學)和安妮·p·昂德希爾(耶魯大學)。該雜志每年3月和9月出版兩次。它的第一個電子版出現在2000年(第39卷)的繆斯計劃。問題被添加到開放獲取存檔在夏威夷大學Mānoa ScholarSpace機構庫。
Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific is an academic journal covering the history and prehistory of Asia and the Pacific region. In addition to archaeology, it features articles and book reviews on ethnoarchaeology, palaeoanthropology, physical anthropology, and ethnography. The journal was established in 1957 as the Bulletin of the Far-Eastern Prehistory Association (American Branch) under the editorship of Wilhelm G. Solheim II, then followed its editor to other institutions. Volumes II (1958) through VIII (1964) were published by Hong Kong University Press, and volumes IX (1966) through XI (1968) by the Social Science Research Institute at the University of Hawaii. The University of Hawaii Press became the publisher from volume XII (1969), adding the subtitle A Journal of Archaeology and Prehistory of Asia and the Pacific.[1] In 1992, the editorship passed to Michael W. Graves and the subtitle was changed to The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific. Miriam Stark at the University of Hawai?i served as editor from 2000 through 2006, then the editorship passed to three-person team: Deborah Bekken (Field Museum), Laura Lee Junker (University of Illinois at Chicago), and Anne P. Underhill (Yale University).The journal appears biannually in March and September. Its first electronic edition appeared in 2000 (vol. 39) on Project MUSE. Back issues are being added to an open-access archive in the University of Hawaii at Mānoa's ScholarSpace institutional repository.
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