加拿大人口研究是一個同行評審的學術期刊,發表關于人口統計學和人口相關問題的原始研究論文、評論文章、研究筆記和政策簡報。該雜志旨在通過涵蓋一流的理論和實證研究,進一步了解加拿大和世界各地的人口過程及其決定因素。自1974年成立以來,加拿大人口研究一直是加拿大人口學會的官方刊物和加拿大人口研究的主要刊物,促進了加拿大研究人員、統計機構和決策者之間的對話。最初的編輯委員會包括幾個在加拿大和國際上對人口研究做出重要貢獻的加拿大人口統計學家,包括Nathan Keyvitz、T.R.Balakrishnan、Jacques Henripin、Warren Kalbach、Anatole Romaniuk和Leroy Stone。
Canadian Population Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes original research papers, review articles, research notes and policy briefs about demography and population-related issues. The journal aims to further our understanding of population processes and their determinants, in Canada and around the world, by covering top-quality theoretical and empirical research.Since its founding in 1974, Canadian Population Studies has been the official journal of the Canadian Population Society and the leading journal on population studies in Canada, promoting dialogue between Canadian researchers, statistical agencies and policymakers. The original editorial board included several Canadian demographers who have made an important contribution to demographic research, both in Canada and internationally, including Nathan Keyfitz, T.R. Balakrishnan, Jacques Henripin, Warren Kalbach, Anatole Romaniuk, and Leroy Stone.
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