在歐洲經濟雜志思想史(EJHET),同行評議的期刊,迅速確立了自己作為熱烈討論的主要論壇,就廣泛的經濟思想史的問題。在既有國際學者和年輕學者的貢獻下,EJHET在主題和方法論上完全是多元的,無黨派的 - 它不贊同任何特定的思想潮流,也不涉及任何一個地理區域。管理編輯和編輯委員會以及顧問委員會成員來自歐洲及其他地區,并致力于鼓勵來自世界各地的學者為國際研究和辯論做出貢獻。結果是一本真正新鮮而令人興奮的期刊 - 對每一位對經濟思想史都有濃厚興趣的學者或圖書館都是至關重要的。
The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought (EJHET), a peer-reviewed journal, has quickly established itself as a leading forum for lively discussion on a wide range of issues in the history of economic thought. With contributions from both established international scholars and younger academics, EJHET is entirely pluralist and non-partisan with regard to subjects and methodologies - it does not subscribe to any particular current of thought, nor relate to any one geographic zone.The Managing Editors and Editorial Board and Advisory Board members are drawn from throughout Europe and beyond, and are committed to encouraging scholars from around the world to contribute to international research and debate. The result is a genuinely fresh and exciting journal - a vital purchase for every scholar or library with a serious interest in the history of economic thought.
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