目前的歷史是美國最古老的專門從事當代世界事務的出版物。該雜志由喬治華盛頓奧克斯(George Washington ochs Oakes)于1914年創辦,喬治華盛頓奧克斯是《紐約時報》出版商阿道夫奧克斯(Adolph ochs)的兄弟,目的是提供有關第一次世界大戰的詳細報道。紐約時報公司從成立到1936年出版了《當前歷史》。自1942年以來,它一直為雷德蒙家族成員所有,目前的出版商是丹尼爾·馬克·雷德蒙。
Current History is the oldest United States-based publication devoted exclusively to contemporary world affairs. The magazine was founded in 1914 by George Washington Ochs Oakes, brother of The New York Times' publisher Adolph Ochs, in order to provide detailed coverage of World War I. Current History was published by The New York Times Company from its founding until 1936. Since 1942 it has been owned by members of the Redmond family; its current publisher is Daniel Mark Redmond.
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