北歐語言學雜志是一個同行評審的學術期刊,涉及語言學的所有分支,但特別關注理論語言學和北歐國家使用的語言。它成立于1978年,由劍橋大學出版社為北歐語言學家協會出版。它還得到北歐人文期刊出版委員會的支持。2001-2015年擔任主編的有凱瑟琳O.林根(愛荷華大學)和斯坦維克納(奧爾胡斯大學)。[1]2015年擔任主編的有Gunnar_Lafur Hansson(加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學)、Marit Julien(瑞典隆德大學)和Matti Miestamo(芬蘭赫爾辛基大學)。每年出版三期,其中一期專門討論一個專題。
The Nordic Journal of Linguistics is a peer-reviewed academic journal concerned with all branches of linguistics, but paying particular attention to theoretical linguistics and languages used in the Nordic countries. It was established in 1978 and is published by Cambridge University Press for the Nordic Association of Linguists. It is also supported by the Nordic Publication Committee for Periodicals in the Humanities.The editors in chief from 2001-2015 were Catherine O. Ringen (University of Iowa) and Sten Vikner (Aarhus University).[1] From 2015, the editors are Gunnar ?lafur Hansson (University of British Columbia, Canada), Marit Julien (University of Lund, Sweden) and Matti Miestamo (University of Helsinki, Finland).Three issues are published each year, one of them devoted to a special topic.
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