布拉德利亞是英國仙人掌和多肉植物協會的年鑒,自1983年以來每年出版。它的目的是展示比BCSS'CactusWorld上發表的文章更專業或技術性的文章。 所有文章在接受之前都經過同行評審,以確保維持嚴格的標準。正如Gordon Rowley在Bradleya 1中所解釋的那樣,我們的出版物的名稱被選為理查德布拉德利的奉獻者,理查德布拉德利是第一個寫一本完全致力于多肉植物“多肉植物的歷史”的書。 他是劍橋的第一位植物學教授,并于1732年去世。
Bradleya is the yearbook of the British Cactus and Succulent Society and has been published annually since 1983. It has aimed to present articles of a more specialised or technical nature than those which are published in the BCSS' CactusWorld. All articles are peer reviewed before acceptance to ensure rigorous standards are maintained.As explained by Gordon Rowley in Bradleya 1, the name of our publication was chosen as a dedication to Richard Bradley, the first person to write a book entirely devoted to succulents 'The History of Succulent Plants'. He was the first professor of Botany at Cambridge, where he died in 1732.
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