《巴西藥物科學雜志》由圣保羅大學藥物科學學院按季度編輯,其目標是宣傳藥物科學領域的最新進展。《巴西藥物科學雜志》起源于1939年的《Anais de Farmacia e Odontologia da USP》。1963年,《圣保羅生物技術學院學報》(Revista de Farmacia e Bioquimica da Universidade de Sao Paulo)第一卷出版,1970年改為《圣保羅生物技術學院學報》(Revista de Farmacia e Bioquimica da Universidade de Sao Paulo)。1999年,它被完全改造,并命名為巴西藥物科學雜志。從2009年起,經過10年的第一次編輯修改,并慶祝出版70周年,一個新的階段已經開始,該出版物現在是巴西藥物科學雜志,只接受英文論文。這項決定的主要目的是擴大其在國外的知名度,鞏固其作為巴西藥物科學領域主要出版物的作用。它的縮寫是Braz。j .制藥。科學。,應在參考書目、腳注和參考書目及條帶中使用。
The Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is edited quarterly by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of S?o Paulo and has the objective of publicizing the most recent advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Area.The Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences has its origin in the "Anais de Farmácia e Odontologia da USP", which began in 1939. In 1963, volume 1 of "Revista da Faculdade de Farmácia e Bioquímica da Universidade de S?o Paulo" was published and in 1970, it was changed to "Revista de Farmácia e Bioquímica da Universidade de S?o Paulo". In 1999, it was totally remodeled and named as Revista Brasileira de Ciências Farmacêuticas/Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. From 2009 on, after 10 years of its first editorial reformulation and celebrating 70 years of publishing, a new phase has started, and the publication is now Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, accepting papers only in English. This decision has the main purpose of widening its visibility outside the country, towards consolidating its role as the main publication in the Pharmaceutical Sciences area in Brazil.Its abbreviated title is Braz. J. Pharm. Sci., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.
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