法國數學學會數學學報是一份科學期刊,發表關于純數學和應用數學的原始論文。它成立于1892年,目前正在出版第106卷。該雜志主要面向數學或其他相關領域的研究人員。它每季度出版一次,向世界各地的主要學術中心分發180份。這些論文是用幾種外語寫成的,主要是英語,其編輯委員會包括國際水平上著名的數學研究人員。布加勒斯特大學的支持。科學數據庫:目前的數學出版物,MathSciNet, Zentralblatt數學,科學引文索引和期刊引文報告/科學版。
Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie is a scientific journal which publishes original papers on pure and applied mathematics. It was founded in 1892 and its 106 th volume is currently being issued. The journal is mainly addressed to researchers in mathematics or in other related fields. It is published quarterly, with a circulation of 180 copies distributed to the main academic centres around the world. The papers are written in several foreign languages, mainly English, and its editorial board includes prestigious researchers in mathematics at international level. support of the University of Bucharest. scientific databases: Current Mathematical Publications, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH, Science Citation Index and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition.
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