CBM - Cahiers de Biologie Marine出版關于海洋生物生物學和生物海洋學的所有方面的論文,特別是在下列領域:底棲生物和浮游生態學;生態生理學;種群動態與種群遺傳學;食物網;分類學和系統學。關鍵的標準是,這項工作清楚地展示了它的新穎性,它對特定領域的重要性,以及它對該學科以外的人的興趣,以及研究證明合理的結論。歡迎對當前主題進行評論。也可審議國際專題討論會或講習班的選定論文或摘要。短通信(4頁印刷)也可以出版。論文必須是原創的,不得發表或正在考慮在其他地方發表。論文發表前,將由至少兩名評審人員進行評審。只有當新記錄顯著增加了該物種的分布面積,并且本文討論了該物種的一般分布以及所觀察到的范圍擴展的意義時,才可以接受有關新記錄的簡短說明。
CBM - Cahiers de Biologie Marine publishes papers on all aspects of the biology of marine organisms and of biological oceanography, in particular in the following fields: Benthic and planktonic Ecology; Ecophysiology; Population dynamics and Population genetics; Food webs; Systematics and Phylogeny. The key criteria are that the work clearly demonstrates its novelty, its importance to a particular field as well as its interest to those outside that discipline, and conclusions that are justified by the study. Reviews on current topics are welcome. Selected papers or abstracts from international symposia or workshops may also be considered. Short communications (4 printed pages) may also be published. Papers must be original and must not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. They will be reviewed by at least two referees before acceptance for publication. Short note about new record could be accepted only if this one significantly increases the distribution area of the species and if the paper includes a discussion about the general distribution of the species and the significance of the observed range extension.
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