意大利耳鼻喉科學報(Acta otoronoshogologica italica)于1901年由朱利奧?馬西尼(Giulio Masini)創立,最初是以“海洋生態科學”的名字出現。這是意大利醫院耳科協會(A.O.O.I.)的官方出版物,自1976年以來,也是意大利耳科協會(S.I.O.CH.C.-F.)的官方出版物。該雜志出版原創文章(臨床試驗、隊列研究、病例對照研究、橫斷面調查、評估和診斷測試)感興趣的領域的耳鼻喉科學以及臨床技術和技術(獨特的一份簡短的報告或原始方法手術技術、醫療管理或新設備或技術),社論(包括編輯的客人-特殊貢獻)主編和信件。關于基礎科學、臨床耳鼻喉科和頭頸外科相關主題的科學調查和精心準備的系統綜述(包括薈萃分析)的文章具有很高的優先性。該雜志還發表了意大利耳鼻喉頭頸外科學會年度大會的官方報告,以及關于意大利學會的特別專欄。
Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica first appeared as “Annali di Laringologia Otologia e Faringologia” and was founded in 1901 by Giulio Masini.It is the official publication of the Italian Hospital Otology Association (A.O.O.I.) and, since 1976, also of the Società Italiana di Otorinolaringoiatria e Chirurgia Cervico-Facciale (S.I.O.Ch.C.-F.).The journal publishes original articles (clinical trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, cross-sectional surveys, and diagnostic test assessments) of interest in the field of otorhinolaryngology as well as clinical techniques and technology (a short report of unique or original methods for surgical techniques, medical management or new devices or technology), editorials (including editorial guests – special contribution) and letters to the Editor-in-Chief.Articles concerning science investigations and well prepared systematic reviews (including meta-analyses) on themes related to basic science, clinical otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery have high priority.The journal publishes furthermore the Official Report of the annual Congress of the Italian Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery as well as special columns regarding the Italian Society.
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