ChemSusChem是一份以化學和可持續性為界面的頂級跨學科研究期刊,影響因子為7.411(2017)。該雜志發表了來自化學、材料科學、化學工程和生物技術的貢獻,是關于可持續性和能源的最佳研究。它代表ChemPubSoc Europe出版。ChemPubSoc歐洲系列包括:Angewandte Chemie, Chemistry - a European Journal, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, European Journal of無機化學,ChemPhysChem, ChemBioChem, ChemMedChem, ChemCatChem, ChemSusChem, ChemPlusChem and Chemistry open。出版綜合論文和通訊,評論和重點,和書評接替Annali di Chimica -意大利化學學會的分析、環境和文化遺產化學雜志,該雜志于2007年底停止出版。由亞洲化學編輯學會(ACES)資助焦點可持續的化學綠色化學環境化學儲能與轉換多相催化均相催化生物催化作用biorenewable資源生物燃料和生物煉制可生物降解的二氧化碳的捕獲和儲存制氫和儲氫燃料電池太陽能電池太陽能光電板清潔合成技術文化遺產化學ISSN: 1864-5631(打印)。1864 - 564 x(在線)。柯登:CHEMHY。目前每年發行24期。
With an impact factor of 7.411 (2017), ChemSusChem is a top interdisciplinary journal for research at the interface of chemistry and sustainability. The journal features the best research on sustainability and energy by publishing contributions from chemistry, materials science, chemical engineering, and biotechnology. Itis published on behalf of ChemPubSoc Europe. The ChemPubSoc Europe family comprises: Angewandte Chemie, Chemistry–A European Journal, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ChemPhysChem, ChemBioChem, ChemMedChem, ChemCatChem, ChemSusChem, ChemPlusChem and ChemistryOpen.publishes a mix of full papers and communications, reviews and highlights, and book reviewssucceeds Annali di Chimica—A Journal of Analytical, Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry of the Società Chimica Italiana which ceased publication at the end of supported by the Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES)Focussustainable chemistrygreen chemistryenvironmental chemistryenergy storage and conversionheterogeneous catalysishomogeneous catalysisbiocatalysisbiorenewable resourcesbiofuels and biorefineriesbiodegradablescarbon dioxide capture and storagehydrogen generation and storagefuel cellssolar cellsphotovoltaicscleaner synthesis technologycultural heritage chemistryISSN: 1864-5631 (print). 1864-564X (online). CODEN: CHEMHY.Currently 24 issues per year.
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