《臨床結直腸癌》是世界上首屈一指的同行評審的腫瘤特異性臨床腫瘤學雜志,致力于出版有關檢測、診斷、預防和治療結直腸癌的臨床相關文章。索引在index medicus/medline/pubmed、isi(當前內容/臨床醫學、科學引文索引擴展(科學網)、期刊引文報告)、embase、cinahl和化學文摘中。每期臨床結直腸癌的特點是同行評審的原始貢獻,邀請綜合評審,目前的治療報告,以及每年主要腫瘤會議的“會議要點”報告。還包括當前新聞的簡短社論和臨床醫生關于結直腸癌的最新話題。
Clinical Colorectal Cancer is the world’s premier peer-reviewed, tumor-specific, clinical oncology journal devoted to publishing clinically relevant articles on detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of colorectal cancer. Indexed in Index Medicus/Medline/Pubmed, ISI (Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Journal Citation Reports), EMBASE, CINAHL, and Chemical Abstracts. Each issue of Clinical Colorectal Cancer features peer-reviewed original contributions, invited comprehensive reviews, and current treatment reports, as well as "Meeting Highlights" reports taken from major oncology meetings each year. Also included are brief editorials of current news and the latest topics concerning colorectal cancer for the clinician.
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