臨床肺癌是世界上首屈一指的同行評審,腫瘤特異性,臨床腫瘤學,致力于發表臨床相關文章的檢測,診斷,預防和治療肺癌。索引在索引Medicus/Medline/Pubmed, ISI(當前內容/臨床醫學,科學引文索引擴展(Web of Science),期刊引文報告),EMBASE, CINAHL,和化學文摘。《臨床肺癌》的每一期都以同行評議的原創文章、邀請的全面評議、當前的治療報告以及每年重大腫瘤會議的“會議要點”報告為特色。還包括為臨床醫生撰寫的有關肺癌的時事新聞和最新話題的簡短社論。
Seminars in Oncology brings you current, authoritative, and practical reviews of developments in the diagnosis and management of patients with cancer. Each issue examines a single topic of clinical importance. You're guided through each cancer's biology, epidemiology, and pathophysiology...its clinical presentation and therapeutic options...and appropriate follow-up measures. This journal makes an excellent addition to every oncology practice.
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