該雜志是一個相當快的(從提交到發表的平均時間是10.7個月,在過去四年),同行評審,非營利性的出版論壇為接受論文在動物分類學和系統學,動物地理學,動物生態學,人口生物學,生物多樣性研究和自然保護問題領域。匈牙利自然歷史博物館和匈牙利科學院生物科在匈牙利科學院的財政支助下,從1994年2月起每季出版《匈牙利科學院動物學學報》(其他季刊在5月、8月和11月出版)。胡ISSN 1217-8837(打印);該期刊收錄于《生物學》、《生物學文摘》、《昆蟲學文摘》、《CAB文摘》、《森林科學數據庫》、《最新內容》、《人類基因組文摘》、《科學引文索引》、《動物學記錄》等期刊。根據湯森路透發表的期刊引文報告,近12年洪森科學院動物學報的影響因子(IF)如下:2006 - 0.511, 2007 - 0.558, 2008 - 0.522, 2009 - 0.514, 2010 - 0.474, 2012 - 0.564, 2012 - 0.472, 2013 - 0.263, 2014 - 0.50, 2015 - 0.353, 2016 - 0.52, 2017 - 0.846。
This journal is a fairly rapid (average time from submission to publishing was 10.7 months in the last four years), peer-reviewed, non-profit oriented publication forum for the accepted papers in the fields of animal taxonomy and systematics, zoogeography, animal ecology, population biology, biodiversity studies and nature conservation problems. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae published quarterly from February 1994 (other issues in May, August and November) by the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the financial support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. HU ISSN 1217-8837 (Print); HU ISSN 2064-2474 (Online) The journal is indexed in BIOSIS, Biological Abstracts, Abstracts of Entomology, CAB Abstracts, Forest Science Database, Current Contents, Human Genom Abstracts, Science Citation Index Expanded, Zoological Records.According to the Journal Citation Reports published by Thomson Reuters the impact factor (IF) of the last 12 years of Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae is as follows: 2006 - 0.511, 2007 - 0.558, 2008 - 0.522, 2009 - 0.514, 2010 - 0.474, 2011 - 0.564, 2012 - 0.472, 2013 - 0.263, 2014 - 0.50, 2015 - 0.353, 2016 - 0.52, 2017 - 0.846.
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