CNS Spectrums是一份月度醫學索引/MEDLINE雜志,旨在滿足48000名精神病學家和神經學家的臨床信息需求。自1996年推出以來,CNS Spectrums覆蓋的醫生比世界上任何其他同行評審的神經精神病學雜志都多。CNS Spectrums的編輯任務是處理相關的神經精神病學話題,包括患者中合并癥的患病率,以及強調神經和精神病學領域中深刻的診斷和生理聯系的原始研究和報告。該雜志的目標是為精神病學家和神經學家提供一種資源,幫助他們理解和治療由于中樞神經系統疾病、疾病或創傷而導致的認知、情感和行為障礙。
CNS Spectrums is a monthly Index Medicus/MEDLINE journal designed to bridge the clinical information needs of 48,000 psychiatrists and neurologists. Introduced in 1996, CNS Spectrums reaches more physicians than any other peer-reviewed neuropsychiatric journal in the world. CNS Spectrums' editorial mission is to address relevant neuropsychiatric topics, including the prevalence of comorbid diseases among patients, and original research and reports that emphasize the profound diagnostic and physiologic connections made within the neurologic and psychiatric fields. The journal's goal is to serve as a resource to psychiatrists and neurologists seeking to understand and treat disturbances of cognition, emotion, and behavior as a direct consequence of central nervous system disease, illness, or trauma.
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