由新世紀健康出版社出版。ISSN: 1540 - 7535。《營養研究的當前話題》是一本國際性、跨學科、廣泛的同行評議科學期刊,對營養食品的研究進行批判性評價。本雜志的主要目標是為學生、研究人員、醫療保健提供者和營養藥品行業的決策者提供同行評審的公正的科學數據,幫助他們對營養藥品做出明智的選擇。為此,該雜志將發表兩種類型的評論文章。首先,回顧臨床前研究數據,主要來自動物、細胞培養和其他實驗模型。這些數據將為未來的產品開發和/或人類研究活動提供基礎。第二,對現有的人體實驗數據進行批判性評估,以幫助營銷和交付產品,使其僅用于醫學證明。這本雜志也將作為營養學家、內科醫生、神經學家、精神病學家和所有對預防醫學感興趣的人的論壇。
Published by New Century Health Publishers. ISSN: 1540-7535.Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research is an international, interdisciplinary broad based peer reviewed scientific journal for critical evaluation of research on nutraceuticals. The major goal of this journal is to provide peer reviewed unbiased scientific data to students, researchers, healthcare providers, and the decision makers in the nutraceutical industry to help make informed choices about nutraceuticals. To this end, the journal will publish two types of review articles. First, a review of preclinical research data coming largely from animal, cell culture and other experimental models. Such data will provide basis for future product development and/or human research initiatives. Second, a critical evaluation of current human experimental data to help market and deliver the products for only medically proven use. This journal will also serve as a forum for nutritionists, internists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and all those interested in preventive medicine.
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