由BC Decker出版。ISSN: 1710 - 3568。《皮炎》是美國接觸性皮炎學會和北美接觸性皮炎學會的官方雜志。其目標是通過這些領域期刊的引文索引,成為國際公認的接觸性皮炎、職業(yè)性和環(huán)境性皮炎、特應性皮炎和藥物性皮炎的杰出期刊。皮炎是一個季度,同行評審的雜志,提供臨床重點文章的診斷和治療皮膚條件引起的刺激物和過敏反應。該雜志每期刊載多達8篇原創(chuàng)研究,為那些在工作場所、非處方產品、植物和一長串過敏原接觸后導致皮膚問題的醫(yī)生提供了很好的服務。
Published by BC Decker. ISSN: 1710-3568.Dermatitis is the official journal of the American Contact Dermatitis Society and the North American Contact Dermatitis Group. Its goal is to be internationally recognized as the preeminent journal for contact dermatitis, occupational and environment dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, and drug dermatitis, as judged by citation indices for journals in these fields. Dermatitis is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that provides clinically focused articles on diagnosis and treatment of dermatologic conditions caused by irritants and allergic reactions. The journal, which features up to eight original studies per issue, well serves the community of practitioners who see patients with skin conditions cause by contact with substances in the workplace, over-the-counter products, plants, and a long list of allergens.
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