《發展、生長與分化》發表關于各種生物體(包括植物和微生物)發育現象的所有方面的原始論文。在以下任何領域的論文將被考慮:發育遺傳學,生長,分化,形態發生,細胞動力學,受精,細胞分裂,休眠,發芽,變態,再生和發病機制,在分子生物學,生物化學,生物物理和分析形態學水平。還審議了適用于上述領域的技術報告。編輯偶爾會對所選主題發表評論。發展、增長和分化在一定程度上得到日本科學促進協會(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, jsp)為出版科學研究成果提供的補助金的支持。
Development Growth & Differentiation publishes original papers dealing with all aspects of developmental phenomena in all kinds of organisms, including plants and microorganisms.Papers in any of the following fields will be considered: developmental genetics, growth, differentiation, morphogenesis, cellular kinetics, fertilization, cell division, dormancy, germination, metamorphosis, regeneration and pathogenesis, at the molecular biological, biochemical, biophysical and analytically morphological levels. Reports on techniques applicable to the above fields are also considered. Occasional reviews on subjects selected by the Editors will be published.Development Growth & Differentiation is supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan.
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