由Mary Ann Liebert發布。 ISSN:1520-9156。這份經過同行評審的新季刊涵蓋了用于治療,監測,診斷和預防糖尿病及其并發癥的新技術和新產品。 技術包括無創葡萄糖監測,植入式連續葡萄糖傳感器,新型胰島素給藥途徑,基因工程,人工胰腺,長期控制措施,病例管理計算機應用,遠程醫療,互聯網和新藥物。
Published by Mary Ann Liebert. ISSN: 1520-9156.This new peer-reviewed quarterly journal covers new technology and new products for the treatment, monitoring, diagnosis, and prevention of diabetes and its complications. Technologies include noninvasive glucose monitoring, implantable continuous glucose sensors, novel routes of insulin administration, genetic engineering, the artificial pancreas, measures of longterm control, computer applications for case management, telemedicine, the internet, and new medications.
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