由德國數學學會(DMV)于1996年建立,為真正的開放存取期刊-免費為作者和讀者。DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA面向所有數學領域,面向國際Documenta Mathematica發布優秀的、經過仔細引用的一般感興趣的文章,這些文章最好只依賴于引用的源和引用。所有文章都經過同行評審(單盲)。自2017年9月11日起提交的文章將在4.0版本的知識共享許可CC下發布。然后,在每一篇受影響的文章中都會顯示這一點。該期刊的索引在Zentralblatt fur Mathematik,數學評論和科學引文索引擴展。DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA是通過電子方式處理從稿件提交到評估再到發表。每年出版約60篇專題文章和補充刊。所有卷也有印刷本。所有已發表的文章和附加信息都可以在eLibM上找到。
Established 1996 by the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) as true open access journal - free of charge for authors and readers.DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA is open to all mathematical fields und internationally orientedDocumenta Mathematica publishes excellent and carefully refereed articles of general interest, which preferably should rely only on refereed sources and references.All articles are peer reviewed (single-blind).Articles submitted from September 11, 2017 onwards are published under the creative commons license CC BY 4.0. This is then displayed with every affected article.The Journal is indexed in Zentralblatt für Mathematik, Mathematical Reviews, and Science Citation Index Expanded.DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA is processed electronically from manuscript submission through evaluation to publication. Each year a volume with about 60 articles and supplementary issues on special topics are published. All volumes are also available in print.All published articles and additional information can be found on eLibM.
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