《電子聚合物》是一本開放獲取、同行評議的科學期刊。電子聚合物的目標是,以一種持續的方式,發表純和應用聚合物科學相關的原始研究文章,評論,和特色文章。它包括聚合物材料的合成方法、表征和加工技術。歡迎關于跨學科聚合物科學和聚合物在所有領域的應用的報告。2013年,電子聚合物已經從電子聚合物基金會轉移到科學出版社De Gruyter。阿加瓦爾(Seema Agarwal)教授和格雷納(Andreas Greiner)教授擔任主編。電子聚合物致力于服務于聚合物社區,并將繼續發表最高標準的科學貢獻?,F任總編Seema Agarwal教授感謝作者、評審人員、編輯人員、顧問委員會和支持組織,是他們使e- polymer成為聚合物界一份成功和可持續的科學期刊。電子聚合物的編輯人員感到非常投入,以提供最好的出版服務,在盡可能高的水平。主題純和應用聚合物科學有機化學化學工業聚合物科學與技術
e-Polymers is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal. The aim of e-Polymers is to publish, in an ongoing way, pure and applied polymer-science-related original research articles, reviews, and featured articles. It includes synthetic methodologies, characterization, and processing techniques for polymer materials. Reports on interdisciplinary polymer science and on applications of polymers in all areas are welcome.In 2013 e-Polymers has been transferred from the e-Polymer Foundation to the scientific publisher De Gruyter. Prof. Seema Agarwal and Prof. Andreas Greiner took over as Editors-in-Chief. e-Polymers is dedicated to serve the polymer community and will continue publishing scientific contributions on highest possible standards.The present Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Seema Agarwal, would like to thank the authors, the reviewers, the editorial staff, the advisory board, and the supporting organization that made e-Polymers a successful and sustainable scientific journal of the polymer community. The Editors of e-Polymers feel very much engaged to provide best publishing services at the highest possible level.TopicsPure and Applied Polymer ScienceOrganic ChemistryIndustrial ChemistryPolymer Science and Technology
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