歐洲物理雜志B的范圍包括凝聚態、介觀和納米系統、統計力學和非線性物理(每個領域的子主題的非詳盡列表如下)。我們歡迎提交原始的研究論文,無論是理論,模擬和/或實驗。該雜志的目的是報道任何一種方法都能獲得的新物理學。那些只報道結果而不增進我們對物理學的基本理解的手稿將不會被考慮出版。顯然,應用物理學方面的論文將被拒絕或重定向到EPJ AP或EPJ Plus。同樣,報告與物理無關的復雜系統的結果的手稿,要么被拒絕,要么被重定向到EPJ數據科學。
The scope of EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B spans the fields of Condensed Matter, Mesoscopic and Nanoscaled systems, and Statistical Mechanics and Non-linear Physics (a non-exhaustive list of subtopics in each field is given below). We welcome submissions of original research papers, either theoretical, simulations and/or experimental.The aim of the journal is to report new physics accessed by any of these approaches. Manuscripts that limit themselves to reporting results without advancing our fundamental understanding of physics will not be considered for publication. Papers clearly on the applied physics side will be either rejected or redirected to EPJ AP or EPJ Plus. Likewise, manuscripts reporting results on complex systems without a relation to physics will be either rejected or redirected to EPJ data science.
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