《臨床免疫學專家評論》(ISSN 1744-666X)就臨床免疫學中新的治療和診斷模式的表現提供專家分析和評論。臨床免疫學專家評審國際編輯咨詢小組的成員是他們專業領域的前沿。本小組與我們專業的編輯團隊合作,確定最重要和最熱門的評論主題,以及最適合提供評論和分析的相應專家。所有的文章都經過嚴格的同行評審,完成的評審為臨床免疫學的決策提供了重要的幫助。文章的重點放在以下幾個關鍵領域:?對特異性免疫疾病的治療綜述,強調最佳治療方法和新藥的前景?新批準的治療藥物的性能和益處?新的診斷方法?篩查和患者分層?Pharmacoeconomic研究?現有療法的新治療適應癥?不良反應、發生和減少?藥物在接近監管批準的后期試驗中的前景?新穎的治療策略?流行病學研究?治療指南的評論和比較
Expert Review of Clinical Immunology (ISSN 1744-666X) provides expert analysis and commentary regarding the performance of new therapeutic and diagnostic modalities in clinical immunology. Members of the International Editorial Advisory Panel of Expert Review of Clinical Immunology are the forefront of their area of expertise. This panel works with our dedicated editorial team to identify the most important and topical review themes and the corresponding expert(s) most appropriate to provide commentary and analysis. All articles are subject to rigorous peer-review, and the finished reviews provide an essential contribution to decision-making in clinical immunology. Articles focus on the following key areas:? Therapeutic overviews of specific immunologic disorders highlighting optimal therapy and prospects for new medicines ? Performance and benefits of newly approved therapeutic agents ? New diagnostic approaches ? Screening and patient stratification ? Pharmacoeconomic studies ? New therapeutic indications for existing therapies ? Adverse effects, occurrence and reduction ? Prospects for medicines in late-stage trials approaching regulatory approval ? Novel treatment strategies ? Epidemiological studies ? Commentary and comparison of treatment guidelines
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