Folia Zoologica發表的文章包含對脊椎動物動物學各個方面的獨到見解,這些文章沒有發表,也沒有考慮在其他地方發表。該雜志歡迎發表具有比區域意義更大的新的和原始的數據的重要論文。該雜志每季度出版一期,通常由四期組成。除彩頁及其他額外收費外,不另收費。某些論文被拒絕,因為它們不符合上述目標和范圍。一些例子包括:(一)僅以脊椎動物為模型或強調與動物學家無關的實驗或獸醫方面的研究;(二)以馴養動物、實驗動物為模型的研究;(三)以古生物學、寄生蟲學、生理學、組織學、解剖學等為主要研究方向,但與脊椎動物動物學的聯系和意義不明確,尚未得到有力發展的論文;(四)旨在制訂保護戰略的地方或區域動物群學研究。
Folia Zoologica publishes articles containing original insight into various aspects of vertebrate zoology that are not published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal welcomes significant papers presenting new and original data of more than regional significance. The journal is published quarterly and one volume usually consists of four issues. There is no page charge except of colour pages and other extras.Certain papers are rejected because they do not fit within the aims and scopes characterised above. Some examples include:(1) Investigations using vertebrates merely as models or emphasizing experimental or veterinary aspects which are not of substantial relevance to zoologists;(2) Studies using domestic or laboratory animals as models;(3) Papers in which the primary focus is, for example, paleontology, parasitology, physiology, histology or anatomy, but where the links to, and implications for, vertebrate zoology are not clear and have not been strongly developed;(4) Local or regional faunistic studies aimed at development of conservation strategies.
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