This journal aims to publish contributions at the junction of theory and practice. The objective is to disseminate applicable research. Thus new theoretical contributions are welcome where they are motivated by potential application; applications of existing formalisms are of interest if they show something novel about the approach or application. The term "formal methods" has been applied to a range of notations, theories and tools. There is no doubt that some of these have already had a significant impact on practical applications of computing. Indeed, it is interesting to note that once something is adopted into practical use it is no longer thought of as a formal method. Apart from widely used notations such as those for syntax and state machines, there have been significant applications of specification notations, development methods and tools both for proving general results and for searching for specific conditions. However, the most profound and lasting influence of the formal approach is the way it has illuminated fundamental concepts like those of communication. In this spirit, the principal aim of this journal is to promote the growth of computing science, to show its relation to practice and to stimulate applications of apposite formalisms to practical problems. One significant challenge is to show how a range of formal models can be related to each other. AUTHORS PLEASE NOTE: Before submitting a paper, authors are asked to contact an appropriate Editorial Board member and ascertain that he/she is willing and able to process your submission in a timely fashion. You can find the list of Editorial Board members and their email addresses under the “Editorial Board” tab on the journal homepage. Once you have submitted your paper you will be asked, by the system, to supply the Editor’s name before your submission will be processed.
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