FUNKCIALAJ EKVACIOJ(國際系列)成立于1958年4月,由神戶大學數學系在日本數學學會函數方程司的編輯下,以同行評議的形式每年出版三次。用于發表有關函數方程及相關主題的原創文章。捐款是免費的,而且對誰可以捐款沒有限制。前幾卷的論文標題可在本網站找到。
__ The FUNKCIALAJ EKVACIOJ (International Series) was founded in April, 1958, and is published as a peer-reviewed journal three times per year by the DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, KOBE UNIVERSITY under the editorship of the DIVISION OF FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS, THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. It serves for publishing original articles concerning the study of functional equations and related topics. Contribution is free of charge, and there are no restrictions on who can contribute. Titles of papers in previous volumes are found in this web site.
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