Geografiska Annaler Series A是一份著名的期刊,在自然地理、冰川學和相關學科領域發表了一些新的科學成果,重點是極地地區。該雜志包括新的想法,方法和原始的研究成果,可能會刺激各種地球科學的工作。Geografiska Annaler系列A由瑞典自然科學研究委員會資助。Blackwell出版社還出版了Geografiska Annaler系列B。這些期刊共同發表的文章涵蓋了物理(A輯)和人類(B輯)地理學的所有理論和經驗方面。盡管發表在英文報紙上,仍然保留著斯堪的納維亞的風格。
Geografiska Annaler Series A is a prestigious journal presenting new scientific results in the field of physical geography glaciology and related subjects with some emphasis on polar areas. The journal includes new ideas methods and original research results which may stimulate work within various geo-sciences. Geografiska Annaler Series A is supported by the Swedish Natural Sciences Research Council. Also published by Blackwell Publishers is Geografiska Annaler Series B . Together these journals publish articles covering all theoretical and empirical aspects of physical ( Series A ) and human ( Series B ) geography. Although published in English papers still retain a Scandinavian touch.
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