《頭頸部》是一本關于頭頸部疾病診斷和管理的原始貢獻的國際多學科出版物。這一領域涉及普通外科、神經外科、耳鼻喉科、整形外科、口腔外科、皮膚科、眼科、病理學、放射治療、醫學腫瘤學和相應的基礎科學等多個外科和醫學專業的交叉興趣和專長《頭頸部》出版了關于臨床和研究主題的原創文章。每一份手稿都由該領域至少兩名專家提交同行評審。編輯可自行決定并根據評審員的建議對專題進行全面審查,尤其是在知識迅速變化的領域。在適當的同行評審后,接受新技術的技術說明、異常興趣的單一案例報告和簡短的初步溝通。社論和致編輯的信也被考慮出版。《頭頸部》出版常規系列:爭議基礎科學評論解剖學相關摘要和書評。編輯征集書評,出版商應將評論書發送給Randal S. Weber MD編輯。視覺材料也將接受審查。根據國際醫學期刊編輯委員會的協議,頭頸部遵守提交給生物醫學期刊的手稿的統一要求(JAMA 1993; 269:2282-2286)。如果稿件沒有以任何抽象形式出現在其他地方,并且目前正在考慮在其他地方出版,則可以接受審稿。本政策不排除考慮已被其他期刊拒絕的稿件或在初步報告或摘要發布后的完整報告。要求作者向編輯提交關于之前報告的完整陳述,這些報告可能被視為相同或類似作品的先前或重復出版物。不鼓勵多部分出版物。另一種語言的二級出版物將單獨考慮。通常向論文中描述的科學信息的公共媒體初步發布數據可能是可以接受的,但應與編輯討論。
Head & Neck is an international multidisciplinary publication of original contributions concerning the diagnosis and management of diseases of the head and neck. This area involves the overlapping interests and expertise of several surgical and medical specialties including general surgery neurosurgery otolaryngology plastic surgery oral surgery dermatology ophthalmology pathology radiotherapy medical oncology and the corresponding basic sciences. Head & Neck publishes original contributions on clinical and research topics. Each manuscript is submitted to peer review by at least two experts in the field. Comprehensive reviews of topics particularly in fields subject to rapid change in knowledge will be included at the discretion of the Editor and on the recommendation of reviewers. Technical notes descriptions of new technologies single case reports of unusual interest and brief preliminary communications are accepted after proper peer review. Editorials and Letters to the Editor are also considered for publication. Head & Neck also publishes regular series: Controversies Basic Science Reviews Anatomic Correlates Abstracts and Book Reviews . Book Reviews are solicited by the editor and publishers should send review books to Randal S. Weber MD Editor. Visual materials will also be accepted for review. Head & Neck adheres to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals under the agreement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( JAMA 1993;269:2282-2286). Manuscripts are accepted for consideration if they have not appeared elsewhere in any but abstract form and are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. This policy does not preclude consideration of a manuscript that has been rejected by another journal or of a complete report that follows publication of the preliminary report or abstract. It is requested that the author submit a full statement to the Editor about previous reports that may be regarded as prior or duplicate publication for the same or similar work. Multiple-part publications are discouraged. Secondary publications in another language will be considered individually. Preliminary release of data usually to public media of scientific information described in a paper may be acceptable but should be discussed with the Editor.
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