健康和生活質量成果是一個開放獲取,同行評審,在線期刊,提供高質量的文章,快速發(fā)布和在公共領域的廣泛傳播。 該期刊包含在MEDLINE中,所有文章都列在PubMed和PubMed Central(PMC)中。 健康和生活質量成果旨在促進科學界內與健康相關的生活質量(HRQOL)評估的知識傳播。 健康和生活質量結果考慮了關于健康相關生活質量(HRQOL)評估的原始手稿,用于評估醫(yī)學療法或心理社會方法以及HRQOL測量的心理測量屬性的研究,包括文書的文化驗證。 該期刊還將考慮總結目前關于HRQOL特定方面的知識狀況的評論。 狹隘的評論由該領域的專家委托編輯,并由專家撰寫,每個主題。
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal offering high quality articles, rapid publication and wide diffusion in the public domain. The journal is included in MEDLINE, and all articles are listed in PubMed and PubMed Central (PMC). Health and Quality of Life Outcomes aims to promote the dissemination of knowledge on the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) assessment within the scientific community. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes considers original manuscripts on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) assessment for the evaluation of medical therapies or psychosocial approaches and studies on psychometric properties of HRQOL measures, including cultural validation of instruments. The journal will also consider reviews summarising the present state of knowledge concerning a particular aspect of HRQOL. Narrowly focused reviews are commissioned and edited by an expert in the field, and are written by specialists on each topic.
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