La Houille Blanche,國際水資源雜志/國際水資源雜志,是法國唯一的水科學期刊。它促進了水領域的研究和創新實踐的傳播,作為日常用于人類需求,農業,能源和運輸以及水力公共工程的關鍵資源。這包括與水文,氣象,洪水,低流量和干旱有關的環境和風險評估和管理問題,以及流體力學,液壓機械,多相流,微流體領域的問題......La Houille Blanche,國際水資源雜志,被美國科學信息研究所(I.S.I)的科學引文索引和法國的CNRS引用;自1902年以來,該期刊發表了高標準的相關同行評審研究論文。La Houille Blanche還提供有關水世界,SHF協會及其成員生活的更多一般信息和最新消息:科學活動,書評,研發進展,......每年六期。原創文章和評論的主題期刊主要使用法語。
La Houille Blanche, revue internationale de l 'eau/International Water Journal, is the only almost all French-written journal of Water science.It promotes the dissemination of research and innovative practices in the field of water, as a key resource for everyday use for human needs, agriculture, energy and transport, and hydraulic public works. This includes environmental and risk assessment and management issues related to hydrology, meteorology, flood, low flows and drought, as well as issues in the field of fluid mechanics, hydraulics machinery, multiphase flows, microfluidics...La Houille Blanche, International Water Journal, is cited by Science Citation Index Expanded of Institute for Scientific Information (I.S.I) in USA, and by CNRS in France; since 1902, the journal publishes high-standard relevant peer-reviewed research papers.La Houille Blanche also provides more general information and recent news about the water world, and the SHF association and its members life: scientific events, book review, R & D advancements, …Six issues per year. Thematical journal for original articles and reviews mostly in French.
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