IEEE CG&A連接了計算機圖形學的理論和實踐。從特定的算法到完整的系統實現,CG&A提供了一個獨特的結合同行評審的特性文章和非正式部門,包括產品公告。特殊應用側邊欄將研究故事與商業開發聯系起來。封面故事關注藝術家或設計師對技術的創造性應用。《CG&A》每年出版六次,對于處于計算機圖形技術及其應用前沿的人來說,從商業到藝術,它都是不可或缺的讀物。
IEEE CG&A bridges the theory and practice of computer graphics. From specific algorithms to full system implementations, CG&A offers a unique combination of peer-reviewed feature articles and informal departments, including product announcements. Special applications sidebars relate research stories to commercial development. A cover story focuses on creative applications of the technology by an artist or designer. Published six times a year, CG&A is indispensable reading for people working at the leading edge of computer graphics technology and its applications in everything from business to the arts.
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