Information and Software Technology is the international archival journal focusing on research and experience that contributes to the improvement of software development practices. The journal's scope includes methods and techniques to better engineer software and manage its development. Articles submitted for review should have a clear component of software engineering or address ways to improve the engineering and management of software development. Areas covered by the journal include:? Software management, quality and metrics, ? Software processes, ? Software architecture, modelling, specification, design and programming? Functional and non-functional software requirements ? Software testing and verification & validation ? Empirical studies of all aspects of engineering and managing software developmentShort Communications is a new section dedicated to short papers addressing new ideas, controversial opinions, "Negative" results and much more. Read the Guide for authors for more information.The journal encourages and welcomes submissions of systematic literature studies (reviews and maps) within the scope of the journal. Information and Software Technology is the premiere outlet for systematic literature studies in software engineering. Guidelines for conducting systematic reviews are provided here.Special Issues and Special Sections proposalsTo submit a proposal for a special issue (original contributions on a topic within the scope of the journal) or a special section with extended papers from a conference of workshop within the scope of the journal, please contact the Special Content Editor, Prof. C. Wohlin (claes.wohlin@bth.se).
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