跨學科科學評論是一種季刊,旨在探討自然科學、工程、數學、醫學和技術與社會科學、人文科學和藝術的社會、哲學和歷史相互關系。ISR尋求的貢獻可以達到最高的學術成就,但同時也可以向非專業人士的智慧受眾演講。因此,ISR中的文章應該是跨學科的。ISR在其職權范圍內探索各學科和實踐的不同軌跡,以闡明各學科和實踐試圖以各自的方式做什么,從而加強它們之間的建設性對話。它盡可能關注概念性橋梁建設和合作研究,盡管如此,尊重學科變化。ISR以各學科間具有吸引力的廣泛主題為特色,有時來源于廣泛的跨學科座談會,以及未經請求的文章。鼓勵有興趣提出主題問題的同事直接寫信給編輯。在提交論文之前,作者應該閱讀ISR 41.1(2016)中發布的“ISR的智力項目”,以確保他們的想法與期刊的范圍相符。
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews is a quarterly journal that aims to explore the social, philosophical and historical interrelations of the natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, medicine and technology with the social sciences, humanities and arts. ISR seeks out contributions that measure up to the highest excellence in scholarship but that also speak to an audience of intelligent non-specialists. Articles in ISR are thus expected to be proactively interdisciplinary. ISR explores the differing trajectories of the disciplines and practices in its purview, to clarify what each is attempting to do in its own terms, so that constructive dialogue across them is strengthened. It focuses whenever possible on conceptual bridge-building and collaborative research that nevertheless respect disciplinary variation.ISR features thematic issues on broad topics attractive across the disciplines, sometimes derived from wide-ranging interdisciplinary colloquia, as well as unsolicited articles. Colleagues interested in proposing a thematic issues are encouraged to write to the Editor directly. Before submitting a contribution, authors should read "ISR's intellectual project" published in ISR 41.1 (2016), to make sure that what they have in mind will fit with the scope of the journal.
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