Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung是一本同行評審的學術期刊,僅發表原創作品。 稿件應通過電子郵件提交給編輯部。 稿件的長度不應超過7頁,包括所有視覺,圖形,德語和英語摘要。 最終的格式是學生的決定。 作為例外,可以在編輯的批準下提交更長的手稿。 必須由作者支付額外的印刷費用。 目前的價格可以在編輯部查詢(見上文)。 這些論文由主題編輯“預審”。 隨后,根據國際標準,由相應領域的兩位專家審查盲法論文的內容和結構。 用英語寫作但英語為第二語言的作者應該由母語人士編寫他們的稿件。
The Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal and publishes only original works. Manuscripts shall be submitted via email to the editorial office . The length of the manuscript should not exceed 7 printed pages including all visuals, graphics, summaries in German and English. The final format-ting is the decision of the puplisher. As an exception, longer manuscripts may be submitted with the editor?s ap-proval. Additional printing costs have to be paid for by the author. The current prices can be enquired at the editorial office (see above). The papers are “pre-reviewed“ by a subject editor. Subsequently the blinded paper is reviewed with respect to con-tents and structure according to the international standards by two experts of the respective field. Authors who write in English but for whom English is the second language should have their manuscripts edited by a native speaker.
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