The International Statistical Review is the flagship journal of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and of its family of Associations. It publishes papers of broad and general interest in statistics and probability. The term Review is to be interpreted broadly. The types of papers that are suitable for publication include (but are not limited to) the following:? reviews/surveys of significant developments in theory, methodology, statistical computing and graphics, statistical education, and application areas;? tutorials on important topics;? expository papers on emerging areas of research or application;? papers describing new developments and/or challenges in relevant areas;? papers addressing foundational issues;? papers on the history of statistics and probability;? white papers on topics of importance to the profession or society; and? historical assessment of seminal papers in the field and their impact.Papers must be of interest to a sufficiently broad spectrum of the members of ISI and its family of Associations, who include researchers and practitioners in academia, government, business, and industry. Selected papers will be published with discussions and a rejoinder by the author(s).
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