由美國物理學會出版。ISSN: 1526 - 9914。《應用臨床醫學物理學雜志》是一份應用期刊,發表的論文將有助于臨床醫學物理學家更有效地履行自己的職責,并為患者帶來更多的利益。臨床實踐、行政管理、規章制度、健康物理、機器維修等方面的稿件將予以考慮。這本雜志由美國醫學物理學院出版。《應用臨床醫學物理雜志》(JACMP)發表的論文將幫助臨床醫學物理學家和其他衛生專業人員更有效地履行他們的職責,從而增加患者的利益。該期刊于2000年創刊,是最早的開放獲取期刊之一,目前為雙月刊。文章中所表達的觀點是作者的觀點,并不一定反映AAPM或JACMP的政策或立場。
Published by American Institute of Physics. ISSN: 1526-9914.The Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics is an applied journal, publishing papers that will help clinical medical physicists perform their responsibilities more effectively and efficiently, and for the increased benefit of the patient. Manuscripts in clinical practice, administration, regulations, health physics, machine maintenance, etc. will be considered. This journal is published by the American College of Medical Physics.The Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics (JACMP) publishes papers that will help clinical medical physicists and other health professionals perform their responsibilities more effectively and efficiently for the increased benefit of the patient. The journal was established as an Open Access journal in 2000, one of the first, and is currently published bi-monthly.The views and opinions expressed in articles are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policies or positions of AAPM or JACMP.
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