“急診醫學雜志”是一本經過同行評審的國際性出版物,刊登了學術和實踐急診醫師感興趣的原創性文章。 JEM每年出版八次,包含研究論文和臨床研究以及專注于急診醫師培訓和急診醫學實踐的文章。 該雜志包括以下部分:原始貢獻臨床通信:兒科,成人,OB / GYN選定主題:毒理學,院前護理,災難醫學,心臟病學評論,急診放射學,重癥監護,運動醫學,傷口護理技術和程序臨床實驗室 急診醫學
The Journal of Emergency Medicine is an international, peer-reviewed publication featuring original contributions of interest to both the academic and practicing emergency physician. JEM, published eight times per year, contains research papers and clinical studies as well as articles focusing on the training of emergency physicians and on the practice of emergency medicine. The Journal features the following sections: Original Contributions Clinical Communications: Pediatric, Adult, OB/GYN Selected Topics: Toxicology, Prehospital Care, Disaster Medicine, Cardiology Commentary, Emergency Radiology, Critical Care, Sports Medicine, Wound Care Techniques and Procedures Clinical Laboratory in Emergency Medicine
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